Root Canal Therapy

Dentist Fredericksburg

Preserving Your Natural Smile

When the center of a tooth becomes inflamed, root canal therapy offers a solution to save it. Deep within each tooth lies a delicate network of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that sustains its health and vitality. However, decay or damage to the tooth can lead to infection, jeopardizing its integrity.

Signs of a pulp infection include swelling around the tooth, heightened sensitivity to temperature changes, and persistent tooth or gum pain. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Blue Bird Dentistry of Fredericksburg for a thorough evaluation.

Root canal therapy is the recommended course of action for addressing an infected tooth pulp. During this procedure, our skilled dentist will carefully remove the infected pulp from the tooth’s interior and cleanse the canals with a sterilizing solution. To ensure your comfort throughout the process, we’ll administer local anesthesia or sedation as needed.

Following the root canal procedure, we’ll seal the tooth with a temporary filling to protect it until the final restoration is completed. It’s normal to experience some sensitivity in the treated tooth initially, but we’ll guide managing any discomfort. Until the tooth is fully restored, it’s advisable to avoid putting pressure on it while eating. Should any concerns arise, don’t hesitate to contact Blue Bird Dentistry of Fredericksburg promptly for assistance.

If you’re seeking to preserve your natural tooth and alleviate discomfort, root canal therapy may be the solution you need. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mohamed Elnahass.